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Abdominal, Butt, & Thigh Circuit

Abdominal, Butt, & Thigh Circuit

Over the last 43 years of my work with professional athletes, sports teams, actors, law enforcement organizations – along with my volunteer work with members of the United States Army Special Operations Command – and my hospital-affiliated weight-management and wellness programs, I’m frequently asked, “what’s the Mackie Method” – what I do myself to stay strong. It’s best to let my 12-year friend and client, Serena Williams, speak on my behalf. “Mackie is not human. What he does day-in and day-out is only for the brave and true champions.” Here are some of the Mackie Methods that fit into my overall performance maintenance plan. April’s narration and my overview & demonstration will explain the exercise description, action, frequency, volume, and intensity. Abdominal, butt, & thigh circuit using light ankle weights, 1-pound weight, and kettlebell: Supine aqua man, bridge, side-lying hip adduction, prone aqua man. Work up to 20 repetitions of each exercise or what’s tolerable. Consult with your therapist or physician before embarking on any new plan – especially if you have a prior injury or limitations.
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