Kneel to Stand with Alternate Knee Elbow Touch
Apr 17, 2024
Exercising without equipment can offer both the ability to increase strength endurance and cardiovascular improvement simultaneously. This form of full body exercise is a great way to create variety in a weekly exercise plan, while also offering an option for vacation travel, when exercise equipment may not be available.
Kneel to Stand with Alternate Knee Elbow Touch
Assume a kneeling position on a mat or soft surface with hands placed behind the head. While contacting your core muscles, bring your right leg forward into a lunge position with the left leg following and stand up. Exhale as you start the motion then inhale once standing. Then, exhale as you alternate a left and right knee lift to alternate knee elbow. Try 5-10 remember to keep the core contracted and breathe accordingly. A variation is Lunge to Stand - starting in a lunge position and perform the same movement.