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Top Five Health Benefits of Garlic

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Health Benefits of Garlic

When it comes to garlic, it seems that everyone’s tastes widely vary. Some people think the more the better to flavor...
Top Five Foods Containing Vitamins B1 and B6

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Foods Containing Vitamins B1 and B6

A really interesting study was highlighted on Life Extension online that discussed the possible link between vitamins...
Vitamins and Minerals to Improve Adolescent Fitness

Apr 14, 2024

Vitamins and Minerals to Improve Adolescent Fitness

According to a recent study , specific vitamins and minerals may improve physical fitness in adolescents. The study, ...
Top Five Foods Containing Lycopene

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Foods Containing Lycopene

A study  released from the medical journal Neurology and featured on Life Extension suggests that lycopene may reduce...
Top Five Tips to Help Manage Your Diabetes

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Tips to Help Manage Your Diabetes

A study  released in The Journal of Biological Chemistry and reported on at discussed how researche...
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