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Top Five Foods Containing Vitamins B1 and B6

Top Five Foods Containing Vitamins B1 and B6

A really interesting study was highlighted on Life Extension online that discussed the possible link between vitamins B1 and B6 and a lower risk of dying. The study was from the Taiwan National Health Research Institutes and Monash University in Australia. The researchers tested men and women for levels of B1 and B6 and the specific plasma levels that show B6 amounts in the system. Their findings were based on 1,747 original participants who were then followed for a 10-year period.

There were significant conclusions drawn based on the results. The participants with higher levels of B1 and B6, among the top one-third of the study, had a 26 percent lower risk of dying as compared to those in the bottom third. Further noted was that the individuals who were considered to have “adequate” levels of B1 and B6 had a 48 percent lower risk of dying than those who were considered to have a “deficient” level. The study also reported that all eight B vitamins proved important.

Finally, they gave their thoughts as to why B1 and B6 may play a role in reducing the risk of dying. Researchers believe, “B1 has particular relevance to muscle, blood, cardiovascular and neurologic functions” while also saying “B6 intake and plasma concentrations may reduce elevated homocysteine (an amino acid) levels, thereby lowering the risk of premature death.”

B1 and B6 can be taken in supplement form or through the foods you eat. (Always consult your primary care physician prior to starting a new supplement.) The recommended daily amount (RDA) of B1 is 1.2 mg for men and 1.1 mg for women. The RDA for men is 1.3 mg (ages 14 — 50) and 1.4 mg (ages 51 and over). For women, the B6 RDA is 1.3 mg (ages 14- 50) and 1.5 mg (ages 51 and over).

Our top five food sources of B1 and B6 are:

  1. Pork
  2. Beans
  3. Bananas
  4. Fish
  5. Liver

Interested in reading more? Check out our Top Five Food Sources of Vitamin D

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