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How many meals should we eat per day?

How many meals should we eat per day?

When most of us were growing up, our parents and grandparents told us that three square meals a day were essential to our physical well-being. Now there are some experts who say a larger number of smaller meals — or nutritious snacks throughout the day — can be just as beneficial. So the question at hand is, ” How many meals should we eat per day?”

Research has unveiled that consuming 5-6 smaller meals per day may be more beneficial to you for specific situations—provided that those meals are balanced and that they contain enough beneficial substance to make you feel full but not uncomfortable.

One may conclude that smaller “snack” of fresh fruit, whole grain crackers with low-fat cheese and nutrition bars can be as nutritious as a conventional large meal. Decide what works best for you after experimenting, or go with what your doctor recommends. What you eat is far more important than how often you eat. If you have questions about your specific diet needs, consult your personal physician or a licensed nutritionist.

Interested in reading more? Check out our Top Five Ways to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Remember, you should always consult with your primary physician before beginning any exercise, diet, or nutritional supplementation program

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