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Are Multivitamins Right for You?

Apr 16, 2024

Are Multivitamins Right for You?

 Multivitamins: what are they, what do they do and how do you choose the best one for you. First of all, there is no ...
The Benefits of Fish Oil

Apr 16, 2024

The Benefits of Fish Oil

One of the most beneficial supplements you can take for your overall health is omega-3 fatty acids, which come most c...
Nutrients and Vitamins Calcium

Apr 16, 2024

Nutrients and Vitamins Calcium

Calcium is one of the most important mineral nutrients the human body needs to function properly. It is required for ...
Do You Have Low Levels of Vitamin D?

Apr 16, 2024

Do You Have Low Levels of Vitamin D?

Over the years, it has been speculated that a majority of individuals in the U.S. are not getting enough vitamin D. N...
Are Cleansing Supplements Right for You?

Apr 16, 2024

Are Cleansing Supplements Right for You?

Are cleansing supplements right for you? Colon cleansing supplements are on the rise. Proponents of colon cleansing b...
Can Small Amounts of Chocolate Be Good For You?

Apr 16, 2024

Can Small Amounts of Chocolate Be Good For You?

Many people think that, in order to be healthy, they have to give up the sweets. However, this is not always the case...
Losing Weight and Grapefruit’s Benefits

Apr 16, 2024

Losing Weight and Grapefruit’s Benefits

Have ever you tried grapefruit? Were you a fan of the taste, or was it just one of those fruits that are not meant fo...
Omega-3 Study May Show Benefit in Primates

Apr 16, 2024

Omega-3 Study May Show Benefit in Primates

A recent study of Omega-3’s featured in the February issue of the Journal of Neuroscience may further correlate the b...
Magnesium Intake and its Association with Diabetes

Apr 16, 2024

Magnesium Intake and its Association with Diabetes

The Journal of Human Nutrition & Food Science concluded through a study that there appears to be “an association ...
How many meals should we eat per day?

Apr 16, 2024

How many meals should we eat per day?

When most of us were growing up, our parents and grandparents told us that three square meals a day were essential to...
Top Five Symptoms To Ask Your Physician About

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Symptoms To Ask Your Physician About

It is extremely common that as we age the body develops varying conditions that have never manifested before. It is a...
Top Five Foods to Fight Inflammation

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Foods to Fight Inflammation featured an article on the role of high-dose vitamin C in decreasing inflammation in cancer patient...
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