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Kids Over Five Our 5 Healthiest Foods

Apr 15, 2024

Kids Over Five Our 5 Healthiest Foods

The problem of childhood obesity has been all over the media in recent years. Too many kids these days are not health...
Teenagers Top Five Foods for Success

Apr 14, 2024

Teenagers Top Five Foods for Success

The teenage years are, for nearly all young people who go through it, a time of transition bridging childhood with ad...
Obesity and The Top Five Fruits To Add To Your Water

Apr 14, 2024

Obesity and The Top Five Fruits To Add To Your Water

Over the years the alarm has been sounded in regard to increased obesity rates that are truly crippling society in ev...
Top Five Tips for Protecting Young Athletes

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Tips for Protecting Young Athletes

In a member of our board’s tv segment, they discussed how the female athlete is more at risk of suffering a tear of t...
Top Five Exercise Components For Better Health

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Exercise Components For Better Health

The Harvard Health Review recently offered their take on what they called the “secret to better health,” and not surp...
Top Five Foods Containing Choline

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Foods Containing Choline

A fascinating study  featured in Life Extension could be very important to expecting mothers. Researchers at Cornell ...
The Top Five Ways Water Can Benefit You

Apr 14, 2024

The Top Five Ways Water Can Benefit You

No matter the season or temperature, it is always extremely important to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. ...
Top Five Health Benefits of Spinach

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Health Benefits of Spinach

If there is one vegetable that has received a bad name from children and many adults alike, it is spinach. For whatev...
Could Drinking Tea Help You Live Longer?

Apr 14, 2024

Could Drinking Tea Help You Live Longer?

Could drinking tea help you live longer and give you a better quality of life? According to a recent study that took ...
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