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Top Five Health Benefits of Spinach

Top Five Health Benefits of Spinach

If there is one vegetable that has received a bad name from children and many adults alike, it is spinach. For whatever reason, people seem adverse to eating, or even trying, spinach. If you are one of those who avoid spinach, it might be time to give it another try. Spinach is tremendously versatile and packed with health benefits.

Spinach is widely known as one of the healthiest of all vegetables, and the darker the green leaf, the more vitamins and nutrients it may contain. Like many vegetables, it is abundant in your local grocery stores and markets, and we recommend you eat it in raw, fresh form whenever possible to maximize the health benefits. It is best to store it in the refrigerator to keep it fresher longer. You can add it to almost anything you are cooking, and since it is low in calories, it fits into almost any nutrition plan.

The health benefits you will enjoy are numerous and can have positive effects on almost every area of the body. From cancer fighting properties to digestion to bone health, spinach gives you so much of what you need for a healthy diet. One cautionary note is that spinach is high in oxalic acid, so people with oxalate kidney stones may need to reduce their intake of this vegetable. Always consult your primary care physician if you are concerned with kidney stones or any other health concerns.

Our top five health benefits of spinach are:

Cancer Fighting — science is indicating that spinach may contain significant properties to fight off prostate cancer.
Antioxidant Rich — antioxidants are vital to overall health and spinach is an excellent source for these important nutrients.
Bone Health — since it is high in vitamin K, it helps to avoid the breakdown of bones.
Anti-inflammatory — contains many phytonutrients that are keys to limiting unhealthy inflammation in the body.
Cardiovascular Health — studies indicate that spinach may help to lower blood pressure and provide protection against the development of heart disease.

Interested in reading more? Check out our Top Five Health Benefits of Garlic

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