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Top Five Health Benefits of Ginger

Top Five Health Benefits of Ginger

For thousands of years, ginger has been used for both cooking and its medicinal value. Historically from Asian and the Middle East, the ginger spice comes from the ginger plant and harvested from the underground root-like portion often called the rhizome. It became such a coveted spice over the centuries, that explorers and settlers brought it with them all over the globe.

Today this versatile spice can easily be found in your local grocery stores and markets. It is great to sprinkle on your favorite dish to give it an extra kick, it can be put in hot or cold tea or you can add to your favorite, healthy smoothie. Because it is so potent in flavor, often times you only need a teaspoon or two (or a small slice if taken directly from the root) to maximize its intensity.

Perhaps more important than just flavor, the long-held belief is that ginger packs a plethora of potential health benefits. It is why ginger has become a popular choice in herbal medicine. Two of these benefits include being a source for antioxidants and for having an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. It also contains many therapeutic properties that may be a remedy for a host of over ailments.

Our top health benefits of ginger are:

  1. Anti-nausea — ginger may be an aid in fighting off nausea stemming from motion sickness, pregnancy or even chemotherapy. (Always ask the advice of your primary care physician if you are pregnant or undergoing cancer treatment.)
  2. Anti-inflammatory — may help to reduce swelling commonly found in people with arthritis or muscle pain.
  3. Fight off cancers — some studies indicate that ginger could assist in the prevention of colorectal and ovarian cancers.
  4. Preventing blood clots — there is the belief that ginger may act to thin the blood to prevent clots from forming.
  5. Headache reliever — many suggest that it may also alleviate pain associated with the different classes of headaches.

Interested in reading more? Check out our Top Five Health Benefits of Garlic

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