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Seasonal Affective Disorder and Your Vitamin D Levels

Apr 17, 2024

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Your Vitamin D Levels

Depression can sometimes be categorized as a seasonal disorder. In colder months, when the sun is not as prevalent am...
Nutrients and Vitamins Calcium

Apr 16, 2024

Nutrients and Vitamins Calcium

Calcium is one of the most important mineral nutrients the human body needs to function properly. It is required for ...
The Mineral Magnesium & Its Many Functions

Apr 16, 2024

The Mineral Magnesium & Its Many Functions

The mineral magnesium assists normal muscle and nerve function, promotes normal blood pressure, keeps heart rhythm st...
Vitamins and Supplements Immune Defense

Apr 16, 2024

Vitamins and Supplements Immune Defense

Cold and flu season is that time of year when many people are exposed to viruses or pathogens that affect immune heal...
Losing Weight and Grapefruit’s Benefits

Apr 16, 2024

Losing Weight and Grapefruit’s Benefits

Have ever you tried grapefruit? Were you a fan of the taste, or was it just one of those fruits that are not meant fo...
Omega-3 Study May Show Benefit in Primates

Apr 16, 2024

Omega-3 Study May Show Benefit in Primates

A recent study of Omega-3’s featured in the February issue of the Journal of Neuroscience may further correlate the b...
Magnesium Intake and its Association with Diabetes

Apr 16, 2024

Magnesium Intake and its Association with Diabetes

The Journal of Human Nutrition & Food Science concluded through a study that there appears to be “an association ...
Top Five Reasons People Exercise

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Reasons People Exercise

Exercise is a very individual choice. We all have different goals, health status, time available, and motivations to ...
Top Five Foods to Avoid Depression

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Foods to Avoid Depression

For millions of Americans, depression is a very significant issue. All the evidence you really need is found in the...
Top Five Berries Containing Resveratrol

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Berries Containing Resveratrol

An online paper of The American Journal of Cardiology featured a comprehensive and interesting study on the potential...
Top Five Health Benefits of Ginger

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Health Benefits of Ginger

For thousands of years, ginger has been used for both cooking and its medicinal value. Historically from Asian and th...
Top Five Food Sources For Calcium

Apr 14, 2024

Top Five Food Sources For Calcium

Research has that suggested increased calcium intake could possibly lead to an increased risk for heart disease. Howe...
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