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Top Five Sources of B6 to Fight Breast Cancer

Top Five Sources of B6 to Fight Breast Cancer

We want to share with you the results of a groundbreaking new study that could be extremely important to the health of women. More specifically, this study reports a link between the active forms of B6 (known as PLP or pyridoxial-5′-phosphate) and a lower risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Although more research needs to be done, these results could be extremely significant in the fight against breast cancer.

The study we are referring to was reported at Life Extension online and originally released in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Based out of the University of Hawaii Cancer Center, researchers examined 1,412 women of similar age, ethnicity and menopausal hormone. Half of the group was breast cancer patients while the other half was the control group with no breast cancer.

What researchers found was that the postmenopausal women in the top 25 percent of B6 levels had a 30 percent lower risk of breast cancer than those in the bottom 25 percent. Additionally, they report, that higher doses of B6 were linked to “decreased growth of tumor cells” and that the positive effect of B6 could be due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory attributes. According to researcher’s conclusions, “these results, in combination with information from two other prospective studies, suggest a role for vitamin B6 in the prevention of postmenopausal breast cancer.”

The takeaway from this study is that getting the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals in your diet is extremely important to your overall health and that specific vitamins can be extremely helpful in fighting off specific diseases. Taking in all the needed levels of all vitamins can therefor give you the maximum benefits against a numerous amount of diseases. Your best bet is to get B6 and all your other vitamins through a balanced diet, but you can take it in supplement form through my multi vitamin mineral formula, RenewAll Formula, which has PLP as a source of its Vitamin B6. (Always ask your primary care physician for recommended dosage and any potential interactions prior to starting any new supplement.)

Our top five food sources for B6 are:

  1. Fish
  2. Beef liver
  3. Potatoes and starchy vegetables
  4. Non-citrus fruit
  5. Fortified cereals

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