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Top Five Ways to Battle Arthritis

Top Five Ways to Battle Arthritis

Arthritis is a particularly debilitating condition for many Americans. Especially as we age, arthritis can significantly impede your ability to perform daily tasks and can limit your quality of life. As discussed in the article, “about 22 percent of U.S. adults (about 50 million) aged 18 years or older in the civilian, non-institutionalized population have self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis.” They further stated that 9 percent say that arthritis limits their ability to do daily activities. Today we will be discussing what arthritis is, and five ways to battle it.

In basic terms, arthritis is thought of as joint inflammation that causes pain or discomfort. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expands the characteristics of arthritis as a condition “of more than 100 rheumatic diseases and conditions that affect joints and the tissues which surround the joint and other connective tissue.” They note that the location of the arthritis, the pain intensity and stiffness as well as the gradual or sudden onset is dependent on the type of arthritis.

Keep in mind that there are simple things you can do in your daily life to help stave off arthritis or to cope with the symptoms if you are suffering. You should always consult your personal physician for an accurate diagnosis of the form of arthritis and for treatment options that might benefit your type of arthritis.

Our top five ways to battle arthritis are:

  1. Keep your body in motion –make sure you are not in one position too long, especially if you have a job that requires you to be seated at a desk. Get up and moving about every 15 minutes.
  2. Find your strength – relieve stress on the affected joints by using different muscle groups to accomplish daily tasks.
  3. Daily Planner – organize your day and be sure to plan ahead to minimize painful movements. Limit lifting heavy objects.
  4. Use labor saving devices – Use simple tools to take the strain off your joints, such as a long grabber for high items or a cart for moving objects around instead of lifting.
  5. Seek help – many people may not want to ask for help, but in many cases it is extremely beneficial. Also, look for local arthritis support groups to learn how others adjust their lives to manage their condition.

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